Paper Heart Flower Card

I'm thrilled to share that our lovely paper heart flower card for Mother's Day has been published in Champak, a popular children's magazine in India. I have fond memories of reading Champak during my childhood. You can find this craft in Champak, May 2020 issue.

This paper heart flower card is also a cute idea for Valentine's day and teacher appreciation.

How to make easy mother's day card at home?

Heart & Arrow Valentine's Day Card

Hi, I‘m Tvisha, the 7 year old co-creator of this blog. My mom has been busy lately so I thought that I could share some of my craft ideas with you.

I made these heart & arrow Valentine cards for my classmates and teacher. It’s a simple paper craft for Valentine’s day that kids like me can make with just a tiny bit of help from the grown ups.

Now let’s get crafting!


Pipe Cleaner Lollipop Valentine's Card

You're so sweet!

A sweet valentine card for a sweet friend or family member. This is a simple DIY Valentine card that kids can make with very little help.


easy pipe cleaner crafts step by step instructions to make lollipop card

20+ New Year's Crafts To Kick Off The Year

Are you looking for fun and unique activities for the end of the year? These New Year Crafts are all adorable and fun! They're easy to do and are great for a wide variety of ages. Not only will they help your child use their creative side but they're also the perfect way to ring in the new year with craft celebrations and fun.

If you're ready to catch the attention of your children with crafts, take a peek at the variety of fun activities that are listed below. Every one listed in unique and certain to challenge your child, in a fun and creative way! 

new year eve activities for kids

The best part about all of these simple craft activities is that your child can easily do them all on their own. Parental supervision is always good but you'll be impressed with their confidence and abilities as well.

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New Year's Eve Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Looking for New Year's Eve crafts and activities for kids?

We have made this easy New year eve craft for kids which is special for not one but two reasons. One, to welcome the brand new year and its promises but equally importantly, to thank the current year for all the joys and experiences it brought along. This rotating paper plate craft is a fun way for kids to welcome the new year.


So, when the fireworks go off this year, remember to celebrate both the special occasions!

Thank you 2018 and Welcome 2019!

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Rocking Santa Claus Sleigh Paper Plate Craft

As Christmas is approaching, we thought it would be fun to make this Santa Claus Sleigh paper plate craft and have some early celebration kick-off. It is super easy to make, educational for kids on the myth of Santa Claus and a fun rocking toy after complete to play with.

Did you check this fun Balloon Santa Claus craft we made last year and these shiny little Christmas Tree Ornaments made using aluminum foil?

Looking forward to Christmas and Santa!


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Santa Claus Craft, Christmas Craft for Kids, Sleigh Craft for kids, sled craft for kids, paper craft for kids, diy toy craft, preschool craft idea, kindergarten craft project, paper plate craft idea

Pipe Cleaner Snowflake Craft For Kids

Looking for a simple craft to make with kids this winter season?

Here is a quick and easy winter craft that kids can make. This is a simple winter craft that can be made by toddler and preschoolers. All you need for this fun winter craft is pipe cleaner and some basic craft supplies.

What I love about this snowflake craft is that kids can freely express their imagination and come up with the most amazing and unexpected shapes for their snowflakes. This is a fun activity to with kids at home on those chilly days when you can't go out. It also makes a perfect winter kids arts and crafts project to make in the classroom too.

So go ahead and get creative with this super fun winter-themed kids craft.


Winter Crafts for Kids, Winter crafts kids can make, Easy crafts for winter, winter craft projects for kids, snowflakes craft for kids, Winter craft to make at home, winter project for school, winter decoration ideas

If you are looking for Christmas craft ideas, don't forget to check our popular collection of 30+ Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids and 20 Christmas Cards that kids can make.

If you love personalized gifts like me, we have curated 15+ Best Handmade Personalized Gift for you. 


Christmas and Holiday Cards - Free Printable Christmas Cards

Guest Post by Delzin

Printable art you can color with kids is a fun art and craft project this holiday season.

Have your child color a ‘I’ve been nice’ card and stuff it in a cute Santa envelope to send off to doting grandparents or to Santa himself! Then get busy coloring a ‘happy holidays’ card, slide it into a cozy snowman envelope and send it off to friends and family!

A fun engaging Christmas activity for preschoolers, kindergarten and school kids.

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Looking for more DIY Christmas card ideas for kids, browse through our collection of 25+ SIMPLE CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR KIDS and find cute card ideas to make for loved ones.


Crayons | Colored Pencils | Paint
Card Templates - I've been nice | Happy Holidays
Envelope Templates - Santa | Snowman

Pom Pom Tree Christmas Card

Pom-poms are just the cutest craft supplies and we love using them. The Pom-Pom Christmas Tree Ornament we made last year is one of our most popular Christmas crafts and my favorite too.

So thought of putting them on a Christmas card. Aren't these adorable? They are super easy Christmas cards to make for preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Christmas Card Ideas for Toddlers

With a few basic supplies, you can quickly make this cute Christmas card with children.

So go ahead, get your craft supplies and follow our step-by-step instructions for how to make easy Christmas cards at home or school.

Christmas Card Ideas for Preschoolers



Popsicle Stick Penguin Craft

Who doesn't love penguins? Kids love to watch penguins waddle and often imitate them.

If you have started planning for winter theme projects, penguins are a perfect winter craft for preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Easy Penguin Craft for Preschoolers

On our recent visit to Woodland Zoo in Seattle, we got a chance to see a whole host of Penguins sunbathing and feeding. Our daughter really enjoyed watching them walk and take an occasional dive into the water.

When it was time to ask her what she wanted to make as a craft to share in her class, she immediately answered "Penguin!"

How to make easy penguin craft for kids?


Thanksgiving Turkey Craft For Kids

Thanksgiving is around the corner! So, how could we go without crafting a Turkey?

Here is a super simple and fun Turkey craft idea to make with kids for Thanksgiving. This cute puppet craft is made by re-using an empty milk bottle cap, feathers, and craft stick. In the end, it makes a great pretend play toy for kids.


Pumpkin Emotions Halloween Craft for Kids

Nothing is more synonymous with Halloween than the super expressive pumpkins. With their cut-out eyes, nose and mouth, they convey the fun yet scary emotions understandable by even the youngest children.

We thought it would be educational to focus on how small shape variations in eyes and mouth can convey emotions as wide as smiling and scary. So, we made this Pumpkin Emotions Craft for Halloween with a twisted personality!

Be careful folks - one second it’s smiling & cute and in the other menacing & scary!

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